TrauMed's STAT PAK Compact kit is designed to provide the first aid materials necessary for the immediate treatment of serious penetrating injuries to the chest/ back. In this kit you will find the components needed to seal penetrating entry and exit wounds, control bleeding, pack wounds and treat initial shock. This kit is NOT a cure but the first step to higher definitive care. This Kit could save a life ! Available in Black, Tan, Camo, and Red, Green
Length: 6.1”, Width: 4.5”, Thickness: 2.2, Kit Contains: 14 Items
1 Pr 7'' Heavy Duty Trauma Shears
1 Hy-fin Chest Seal Compact Twin Pack
2 4” x 4” Gauze Sponges
2 Pairs Nitrile Gloves
1 Injury Card
1 Silver Survival Wrap Blanket
1 3in x 2ft Quik Clot
1 4” NAR (ETD) Emergency Trauma Dressing
1 4.5” x 4.1 yd Krinkled Compressed Gauze
1 CAT 7 Tourniquet
1 Sharpie Marker
1 Blk Compact Water Resistant Pouch