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About Us
TrauMed Custom First Aid & Survival Kits is a small Fire / Ems veteran owned and operated business based in Northeastern Ohio. We design and make kits made here in America and guaranteed for life First Aid & Survival kits for Military, First Rsponders and Civilians. We work with K9, SAR, Police and other First Responders as well as several shooting ranges. Our kits are based off of 18 years of Fire & EMS experience. We enjoy providing satisfaction to our customers each and every time. We work tirelessly to create new First Aid & Survival Kits as well as hand made items for Survival & Bushcrafting. We can make any kit large or small to meet your specifications.
****If you use your kit to save a life send us some form of proof and we will gladly replace the contents used****
(TrauMed is not resposible for normal wear and tear, misuse or abuse of kits or contents)
We supply, Military, First Responders, Civilians, Shooting Ranges and more.
"Nothing Bad Happens Until It Does"
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.